Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Review: Only The Good Spy Young by Ally Carter

Only the Good Spy Young (Gallagher Girls, #4)

The Gallagher Girls series is really heating up with the fourth installment in the series.  The story starts out with Cammie and Bex on vacation in London.  This trip, however, isn't all fun and games for the girls.  The Circle is still after Cammie and Bex's parents are part of her security detail.  Things take a serious turn when the girls discover who the CIA and MI6 consider the prime suspect.

When Cammie and Bex return to the Gallagher Academy it is far from business as usual.  They have a new teacher for Covert Operations (CoveOps), Cammie's mother (the headmistress) is nowhere to be found, and Sublevel Two is on lock down.  Cammie, Bex, Liz, and Macey make it their mission to discover what is in the Sublevels that warrants this level of security.  They also need to find out where Cammie's mother and their CoveOps teacher (Mr. Solomon) disappeared to and why they were detained.

Of course there are a few encounters with Cammie's love interest, Zach, which adds a little spice to the story.  The girls discover more about his past and what life at the Blackthorne Institute for Boys is REALLY like.  Even though their new CoveOps teacher leaves much to be desired, there are still a couple of unofficial CoveOps missions that teach the girls the importance of writing thorough CoveOps reports.

I was completely shocked with how Ally ended the book and the direction she appears to be taking with the series.  I don't want to give away any spoilers, but I seriously hope one of the spies doesn't take part in a "mission" without backup.

This is definitely my favorite book in the series so far.  It was a fast read with just enough action to keep the pages turning.  Ally continues to add depth to the story by revealing more about the characters, the history of the Gallagher Academy and Blackthorne Institute, and the history of the Circle.

I used this book at part of the Summer COYER scavenger hunt.  It qualifies for item #53 - Read a book with half a face on the cover.


  1. I need to read this one as I have head good things about this series. :)

  2. Yay! See? Favorite book in the series :)
