Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Movie Review: Confessions of a Shopaholic

I just finished reading the second book in the Shopaholic series, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan, and discovered there was a Shopaholic movie.  I was sure it would be absolutely hilarious, and the cover of the DVD confirmed my assumption.  I checked it out from the library and had it all set for this week's movie night.

Well...It wasn't nearly as funny as I thought it would be and it deviated so far from the books that I was in a constant state of WTF.  They combined a lot of the elements from the first two books, so I was glad I had already finished reading book two or it would have spoiled a few things.  

But seriously....Becky is BRITISH.  Luke is BRITISH.  They live in LONDON.  The movie starts with them in New York and they meet at a hot dog stand. Seriously?  Everything that I love about these books was completely omitted from the movie.  I know,...the movie is never as good as the book, but they could have at least put forth some effort to maintain the integrity of these adorable and hilarious books.  I love Becky's British slang and watching her integrate into the American culture was a highlight of the second book.  

I thought the choice of actors and actresses was good, but there were scenes that were a bit hokey and nothing like what I would have expected from Becky or Luke. Overall, I would recommend sticking with the books.  The movie was average at best and left me feeling disappointed.  On the plus side...it was free from the library, so I really can't complain too much.  I was just hoping for more since I love this series.

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